Monday, January 21, 2008

R.I.P. you lovely HumanFive

I was very sad to hear that the artist group know as Humanfive has decided to disband due to the natural coarse of things. I was very inspired by them growing up in my early 20's in Vancouver They made work I had never seen before and it opened my eyes. There street art/graffiti was way a head of it's time and mixed medium paintings/sculptures had such life to them. It was art made with love and I could feel it. I was particularly in love with the show Bunnyhill¨, that I saw at Anti Social Gallery in 2002. I will forever remember there art work, and it is because of them I added the five when I first came upon my artist name.

Thank you Michael Swaney, Jaret Penner, Simon Redekop, TylerLepore

R.I.P. Human5

Yours Truly Basco5


This is Charlie Trotter. said...

Hey, I found you through a blog about the poster you made for the 2008 Northern Voice event. I really like your work.

I have a question for you. I noticed in this post you mentioned choosing an artist name. I'm curious to know why you didn't use your actual name. I know a lot of artists come up with monikers for fun, and it is fun, but I'm always curious as to why more people don't build their personal brands with their own name.

Just wondering.

saw / heard said...

When I was growing up in Vancouver there was guys like 12 Midnite and I, Braineater. Funny thing too I lived in Denmark as child. Good luck.